Dust on the Lens – Creative Fellowship
Super excited to have been awarded an ANU Vice-Chancellors Collaborative Arts Fellowship for 2015 to work on my project Dust on the Lens, a creative exploration of the role of photography in archaeology. I will be located in the Department of Archaeology and Natural History in the College of Asia and the Pacific at ANU, working in collaboration with Professor Sue O’Conner and Dr Sally Brockwell. The art-practice-led collaboration is part of the ANU Vice-Chancellor’s commitment to fostering interdisciplinary research and cross-campus partnerships. The fellowship will result in an exhibition showcasing the collaborations developed during the year ahead by me and four other Fellows working in other Colleges at the ANU.
My starting point is the collections and the traditions of annotation and labelling that reveal the archaeologist’s role in constructing knowledge about places, objects and people through processes of naming and labelling. The visible evidence of the archaeologists’ hand inscribing the material they work with is one such trace that I find particularly interesting.